Cointiger is a centralized exchange from Singapore launched in December 2017. The 24h trading volume of USD is estimated at 565.5 million and the weekly visits at 102,947. Cointiger exchange provides its users with 212 different coins.
The Platform
Cointiger provides users with all the basic functions of a centralized exchange and allows you to manage your portfolio on the Cointiger app. Cointiger charges takers 0.15% of the order value and 0.08% for makers. Withdrawal fees are fixed at 0.0005 BTC per BTC-withdrawal. Cointiger fees are lower than the industry average of 0.25% for trading and 0.000643 BTC for withdrawal.
How to trade KGO
This exchange accepts deposits through wire transfer and credit cards, which makes it more accessible for new investors that do not own KGO and would like to buy it directly on Cointiger. You can only trade KGO tokens with Tether, the most important stablecoin cryptocurrency based on the USD. If you do not own any Tether and would like to trade on Cointiger, you will have to buy them with regular cash. There you can have access to the pairs:
Cointiger is a centralized exchange which means that if you decide to invest and trade KGO tokens on this platform, your funds will be protected on private servers, and you will need to provide your identity and complete Known Your Customer (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML), and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CFT) checks.